Tag Archives: green

GREEN FRIDAY! Natural Insect Repellent


I don’t know about you guys, but mosquitos seem to FLOCK in my direction!! I bathe myself in “OFF” and breathe the stuff daily! However, now that I have a child around I am definitely more cautious of the chemicals and toxins in the spray! Here I found a natural and cheap way to make your own! It only takes 1 lemon, some rosemary, and water! Here is the tutorial on how to make it! Good Luck and hopefully it will ward off the mosquitos this Memorial weekend!!


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Green Friday!! Planting a garden!

Planting a garden is one of the best choices you can make if you are trying to be green! There are so many benefits!!! You can trust the food you are eating, you can rely on yourself for food, you can save money, & teach your kids responsibility!! I thought this option for gardening was great because you can customize it to whatever space you have available!

This was found at http://www.raisedgardenbedshowto.com/

If you are new to gardening like me, you have no idea what or when to plant things!! I also found this awesome reference that tells you when to plant certain foods and plants.


Happy Planting!!

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Filed under Being Green

Green Friday!! Options for Composting!

Composting is a great way to be green! There are many options to accomplish this based on your climate, space, and time! If you are anything like me, you want to know ways to be more eco-friendly without having to put a lot of time and effort into it! Here is an awesome option poster I found on http://www.treehugger.com that can hopefully help all of us be a little greener!

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